Cromotherapy uses colors to balance and stimulate the healing process. Chromotherapists use colored lights to improve both the physical and psychic level of the body by treating various mental and physical disorders.
In Brazil and in many countries around the world is of tradition to wear a brand new piece of underwear at midnight of December 31st to bring good luck in the New Year.
Selecting the color of your new underwear according to the color meaning you desire to bring wonderful vibrations is also very important. Here it's the meaning behind the colors, pick your favorite and... have a fabulous and blessed Happy New Year!
White: brings peace, balance, does not absorbed the energies from the environment (either positive or negative).
Silver: light and calm, produces a pleasant sensation/feeling.
Pink: it's the energy linked to unconditional love and caring, pink is the most delicate color. Brings sensibility and pure feelings. Good to cultivate friendships, beauty and love.
Purple: is the most penetrating light and acts as a cauterization. Is the color of transmutation, spirituality, contemplation and meditation.
Navy Blue: combines rationality with spirituality. Is purely abstract and mental. Is the color of organization, self trust, and leadership. Purifies the mind.
Blue: symbolizes everything that refers to the spiritual world. For being cold, it's the color of the rational mind, apart from emotions, perception, clarity or action. It’s calm, tranquil, analgesic, and balanced. It’s the color of the soul and of spirituality.
Green: accomplishment, absorbent, and self grow. It's essential to the health and anti-aging. It’s also calming and relaxing.
Gold: full of energy and warmth.
Yellow: it has a lot of energy and movement, clear, light and happy. Promotes a bright and clear mind and focus. It's associated with the intellect, cure, and luminous.
Orange: revitalizes and energizes without being overwhelming. Evokes life, breeze and comfort. It's protecting, brings comfort to the physical body, it's the color of the extrovert and gives pleasure. It's the color of fertility.
Red: the most warmth of all colors. Stimulates circulation, sensuality. But also can stimulate aggressively and nervosas. It's the color of emotions.
Black: absorbs energy to the maximum. It's warmth and active. It's well used in lingerie to stimulate seduction.
Choose your lingerie color for 2008, you can find all colors at Bella Bella Boutique! Pick your favorite and have fun!
Credits: Blog da Taye (Brazil)
Translation: Bella Bella Boutique