Bella Bella Presents: EA Lingerie on Bravo TV!

The Spring/Summer 2010 collection will be available at Bella Bella Boutique very soon! We can't wait to show you!
Meanwhile, you can watch a glimpse video below of EA LINGERIE on Bravo TV for a pick on the new upcoming collection photo shoot.
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Plum Pretty Sugar Loungerie available at Bella Bella Boutique.

We felt in love when designer, Charlotte Mills, presented her beautiful brand of loungerie, which she named "Plum Pretty Sugar" to us at Bella Bella Boutique. The pieces are so stunning, so fresh, and with a chic comfort feel that look like no other. We immediately decided to carry the entire collection and we are so happy to introduce Plum Pretty Sugar Loungerie to you.
Plum Pretty Sugar features loungewear, bedding and accessories born from the idea of breezy happiness, cozy comfort and easy-living chic. Dreamily imagined, Plum Pretty Sugar loungerie features giftable, gorgeous silhouettes in whisper-soft fabric in enchanting garden of eden-inspired palettes.
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