image by: South Shore Boudoir (Massachusetts)
It's finally here!
Bella Bella Official Boudoir Photography, The National List! After inumerous requests for a Boudoir Photography Studio recommendations from customers all over the USA for the past couple of years, we decided to put together our own list. We have searched for the best Boudoir Photography Companies across the nation and we have come out with our top picks from each 50 states. If you are a Boudoir Photographer and your company is not listed here, please get in touch with us at:
info@bellabellaboutique.com for a review of your website and/or portfolio.
Boudoir photography offers an artistic and tangible way that women can see for themselves that they are still sensual and gorgeous. When a woman is confronted with her own image where she can see herself looking undeniably beautiful it can be a tremendous boost to her self-confidence and reawaken her sexuality. For a complete manual full of tips, scroll down after the list, enjoy!
http://hauteboudoirphotography.com/http://www.bloomersandblush.com/District of Columbia
http://www.coutureboudoir.com/http://www.boudoirbysereiaphotography.com/ http://www.pinmeupphotography.com/http://hushhushphoto.com/http://www.sugarandspiceboudoir.com/index2a.phphttp://www.provocateurbycarmen.com/index2.phphttp://www.howardaustinfeld.com/homepage.cfmhttp://www.theboudoirdiaries.com/http://www.yaeko-boudoir.com/http://www.boudoirny.com/index2.phphttp://blacklaceportraiture.com/index2.phphttp://www.southtampaphoto.com/boudoirphotography.phphttp://www.ashiraphotography.com/Georgia
http://www.boudoirbellesphoto.com/http://www.sexylilphotography.com/flash_index.phphttp://www.boudoirbywallflower.com/ Kentucky
http://hauteshots.net/http://www.iseesexy.com/index2.phphttp://www.bellavitaphoto.com/main.phpNew Hampshire
http://www.kevinjacobusphoto.com/2009/10/20/new-hampshire-boudoir-photographer/http://www.fideliophotography.com/?p=402New Jersey
http://www.scottphotographyboudoir.net/http://www.catwalkboudoir.com/index2.shtmlhttp://brandigroomsphotography.com/liberatingportraits/index2.php?v=v1http://www.bloomersandblush.com/http://www.aprilbellephotos.com/New Mexico
http://www.triple8photography.com/index2.php#/home/New York
http://www.coutureboudoir.com/http://www.boudoirny.com/http://www.boudoironfilm.com/http://www.swankyboudoir.com/main.htmlhttp://pswhittingham.com/index2.php?v=v1http://keiralemonisphotography.com/http://www.seductivelyyou.com/http://www.aprilbellephotos.com/North Carolina
http://www.ncboudoirphotography.com/http://heatherlovephotography.com/blog/category/boudoir/http://www.raleighboudoirphotography.com/North Dakota
http://www.femmecouturephotography.com/http://www.bloomersandblush.com/http://www.knpboudoir.com/http://www.vixensessions.com/Rhode Island
http://thepoutingroom.com/http://www.nicolegesmondi.com/pages/boudoir.htmSouth Carolina
http://www.amy-wood.com/http://www.loftnoire.com/index2.phphttp://www.boudoirchix.com/South Dakota
http://seattleboudoirphotography.com/http://www.boudoirphotographyseattle.comhttp://www.katrinkas-secret.com/http://www.satineboudoir.com/index2.php#/home/West Virgina
http://ardentboudoir.showitsite.com/What Is A Boudoir Session?Boudoir sessions are tasteful photos that hint at sexiness. Every person has their own idea of what sexy is as well as what they are comfortable with. These sessions are cute, fun, sexy, flirty and even a bit sensual all the while maintaining your comfort level.
Make-UpMany ladies are good at doing their own hair and make-up but there are plenty of options available. Salons and department store make-up counters are good resources and some photographers have hair and make-up artists who they work with on a regular basis. Ask your photographer if they have someone they recommend. Either way be sure to let whoever you hire know that you’re having a photo shoot done as your make-up will need to be a bit darker than you normally wear it.
Body Image & WeightMost women don’t have bodies like a super model but that doesn’t mean that we can’t have gorgeous, sexy photos as well. A good photographer will know just how to highlight your assets best while disguising the parts of you that you’re self conscious about. Just remember… your significant other loves you just the way you are.
Clothing ChoicesBring clothing that you feel sexy and beautiful in. Bras, panties, corsets, teddies, stockings, tank tops, booty shorts, sports jerseys & men’s business shirts are all popular. Don’t forget to bring accessories for each of your outfits as well as your sexiest shoes.
Modesty & NudityYou don’t have to take your clothes off to be sexy. Clothed, partially clothed, hinted nudity and fully nude can all be sexy. Let your photographer know what you’re comfortable showing in your photos and trust them to keep the parts you want hidden to stay that way. Some photographers offer fine art nudes while others do not. Be sure to ask when booking your session.
RetouchingMany photographers include retouching with their portrait prints and albums but be sure to ask how much is included with your session. I do very little retouching on my portraits due to the way I photograph my clients however that varies from photographer to photographer.
PrivacyPrivacy is a concern due to the intimate nature of boudoir sessions. All boudoir images are kept in strict confidence and no images will be shown without permission from the client in writing. We use only professional labs and album companies that safeguard the privacy of our client’s images. Make sure your photographer has a similar policy.
Couples SessionsSome photographers (but not all) offer couples sessions. These sessions are romantic, sensual, playful, fun and always tasteful. Typically these sessions show you and your significant other cuddling, jumping on the bed and chasing each other around the room like playful kids in addition to photos of each of you individually.I let my clients who are interested in this type of session know the perfect time to do it is when they plan a weekend ‘away’ at a local hotel. No dishes to be done, no dinner to be made, no kids or pets needing attention – just the two of you away from all of life’s distractions for a photo session and a weekend of fun.
Where to do your sessionYour session can be done at your photographer’s studio, your home, a local hotel, bed and breakfast and even outside in a private or secluded area. Be sure to discuss your options with your photographer.
Tips for the morning of your sessionDrink lots of water and wear loose fitting clothing. Avoid tight fitting undergarments as they are the most likely to leave elastic pressure lines on your skin.
Tips for after your sessionGetting into and holding some of the most flattering poses can give you a surprise work-out so don’t be surprised if you’re a little sore that evening or the morning after. Be sure to drink lots of water and take a little ibuprofen if needed.
Tips courtesy from: Tammy Warnock of
True Blue Photography in Long Beach California. She personally does several hundred boudoir sessions a year. You can see her work on her website
http://www.trueblueintimates.com/ and blog. All photos are of real clients and are shown with written permission.
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