We just read this nice article on Glamour Magazine about Body Waxing and wanted to share it with you on a few tips on "How to Make It Hurt Less". Here it goes:

2. Book the Appointment for at least a week after your period; the area can be sensitive the week before menstruation.
3. Apply a Topical Anesthetic 30 to 45 minutes before waxing. A popular one, and not just because of its name: Relax and Wax No-Scream, $19.50 at Dermstore. Also take an Ibuprofen before hitting the salon.
Bella Bella would add:
4. Bring in your Ipod: Listen to your favorite music or watch a video/movie, that will help you to distract too. Need a good compilation? Try our iMix on iTunes for chilling and lounge finest music!
Happy Waxing Everyone!

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